
  The assassination named the death by accident is daily occurrence.   The world is full of the devils.   It is very difficult for a good person to live long.   I want to leave Japanese culture, history, education, nature and Japanese forever.    The humanity and justice came heartily to the bottom of my heart.   I hope that it is played an active part in the health as a samurai of the justice heartily. ” 満開の  艶と香りを  顧みず  仁義の風に  散る大和花 ”by 張陽

The Japanese Prime Minister is not thinking about a policy to relieve Japan.   He should cut a stomach immediately if he does not work for the happiness of the Japanese citizen.   







 The government must not use a polymerase chain reaction test for an examination of virus.    Kary Mullis of developer declared it openly.   COVID-19 is a feeble cold.   Therefore The gene vaccine is unnecessary.   On the contrary, it is the harmful drug with the big side effect.  Using fear of COVID-19, the government destroys economy, culture, education.  COVID-19 is the imaginary disease that a polymerase chain reaction test created.   The Communist Chain Mafia destroys the world economy using COVID-19 fear.  



 The inpatient of COVID-19 is killed with an anti-viral drug by a doctor.   The Communist China Mafia wrecks the economy of each country using COVID-19.   As a result, poor people increase.  The Communist China Mafia uses poor people for money by doing so.  Further more, the Communist China Mafia makes them a drug addict and makes a nonresistant slave.   The Japanese government is a follower of the Communist China Mafia.   The government continues dropping COVID-19 bomb on the whole land of Japan, and the Japan country becomes burnt field.          


 The government lets a Chinese enter the country in large quantities in strict confidence.  This is a nation crime.  The cause of the increase of COVID-19 is Chinese entry and polymerase chain reaction test.  The government should stop emergency declaration immediately.  Between COVID-19 and the restaurant business, there is not the causation at all.  The government destroys using COVID-19 fear.  The corona virus habitually resides in the body of the person.  In other word, the corona virus is not harmful.  In addition, a corona cold is feeble.     




 We must not believe the news of COVID-19 of the media.  Lets fight against a nation and the media in unison.  Many companies are thereby destroyed.  Many poor people commit suicide.  But the media does not report it.  Vaccine of COVID-19 is gene vaccine. As for the gene vaccine of the companies, enough inspection is not accomplished.  Very in danger.   The Japanese given an anti-viral drug and gene vaccine to will become extinct in the near future. The Japanese citizen should not obey COVID-19 measures instructions of the Japanese Government.    The Japanese Government must not authorize COVID-19 for a designated infectious disease.   The case fatality rate of COVID-19 is lower than that of influenza cold.    


  Communist China Mafia and White Mafia expect the human reduction with the drug.   The Japanese given a drug will suddenly decrease in the near future.   An anti-viral drug and the gene vaccine are the massacre weapons which are higher than a nuclear weapon.   However, the government covered with a mask of the justice uses the drug weapon calmly.   And most of nations who believed in the government dies of an unidentified disease.  



  The Japanese Prime Minister has been already threated by Communist China Mafia.   Therefore, the Japanese citizen must not obey COVID-19 policy by the emergency declaration.   Smash up Japanese Government covered with a mask of the justice!   As for the gene vaccine of the COVID-19 prevention, enough inspection is not accomplished.    It is thought that it is necessary for inspection of the gene vaccine at least for ten years.    The gene vaccine may cause abnormality in the human body several years later to cause genetic modification of the human body.   A health hazard of the gene vaccine is assumed enough at this stage.   Therefore, the Japanese Government must not give gene vaccine to the nation.     


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